Wednesday 8 May 2019

Calendar de Marvel

New events bring new ideas and this time it was a gift for one of my favorite person's marriage. Since she is a great fan of Marvel's, I thought why not to make a Marvel themed calendar for her. And yes, you read it right, one more calendar. I guess I am getting good at them.
And, that's how I ended up making this calendar. A lot of thanks to my friend Bhanu, who himself is the greatest marvel fan that I know of for helping me with the logos. Once the logos were there, it was all about transferring them on the paper. This time I used watercolor. I drew them first with a light pencil so that I can erase those pencil marks later on, and then filled in those colors. Whenever painting, always start from lighter colors. After the logos, I added the months and dates and in order to make it a bit personalized, I added some anniversary dates along with Marvel movies release dates.
After the month cards were ready, it was time for the stand. Well in that one, my husband came handy who quickly nailed two blogs of wood together in an L shape which I painted in Marvel logo to make it more MARVELous. 
And voila, the calendar was ready. So, now it's your turn, go ahead and make yours and if you would like, you can share your creation with me as well.
Until next time!
Krutika 😊

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