Wednesday 9 March 2016

DIY Medicine Box!!!

Hello there!!! Hahahahahha, yes, I am back! Again!! And this time, through an app! O yeah!! 😋😋 All thanks to technology. This same technology has given us the privilege of online shopping, and the one thing that you are definitely going to get with online shopping is, loads and loads of cardboard boxes!! So, my desk was getting crowded with the boxes and I desperately wanted to do something with them. And then, one day after lunch, my grandma got confused with her medicines, as her chits, where she wrote the timings got all scrambled up. It gave me the idea. Why not make something that will allow her to organise her medicines. And, the result is as follows. I made this medicine box just out of a card board box, ragged cloth, pair of scissors and glue.

If you also want to make someone happy, then follow these steps:

Step 1: Get a medium sized cardboard, that is being enough to fit all the medicines.

Step 2: Find some nice ragged cloth that has a some nice design. Don't tear up anything new, or I am not responsible if your mom scolds you 😋

Step 3: Cut the smaller side flaps of the box. Remove the excess tape from the box.

Step 4: Cut the cloth in nice strips that can fit across atleast onse side of the box. It is not necessary to have a single strip.

Step 5: Now, fold the cloth inside by atleast one cm and make the boundary sharp by running your nail or a scale over it. This helps hide the rough boundary on the back side and gives a clean look.

Step 6: Once the boundaries are folded, on both the sides, along the length, apply some glue/fevicol on the inner side and stick it to the box. Run your hands through it, so that it sticks evenly and the cloth is spread out evenly.

Step 7: Do it for all the outer sides.

Step 8: Use the remaining cardboard pieces to make compartments in the box, to define the morning, afternoon and night medicines for before and after the meal. You can make compartments as per your choice and need.

And, finally, you can label the conpartments with a nice pen in big fonts so that your grandmom or granddad can read it easily.

Taddaaa!! The medicine box is ready! Your elderly will enjoy using it as much as you will enjoy making it.

Go ahead and have fun!!

See you next time!
Keep crafting!


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