Monday 14 July 2014

Bottled Messages

Hello there!!!

Wow its been such a looong time since I wrote my last post. But, well when you shift from being a student to being an employee, it takes a little bit of time to adjust. But, finally I am on track. So, here it is, my latest post.

First of all, I should be thankful to my friend for his birthday, because his b'day is the only reason I am able to write this post. Because, since I joined company, it became impossible to continue the blog. But,  you have got to make a special "gift" for your best-friend. And bless my lazy mind for giving this idea at the last last moment.

I was just going through Pinterest looking for some ideas and then I saw those DIY bottle decorations and am like wohoo am going for this.

So the materials you will need are:
  • An empty glass bottle 
  • Craft papers
  • Colorful threads
  • Color pens
  • Glue

Step 1: Take your glass bottle and if you have some label on it then just soak it in water for some time, the label will automatically come off.

Step 2: Make some origami stars with the craft paper strips. the videos are easily available on YouTube. (The toughest part :P).

Step 3: Cut those craft papers into small pieces and write your messages onto them. I used some of the messages from Facebook fortune cookies. Then roll them up and tie them with threads.

Step 4: Put them all in the bottle. Make sure the bottle is dry, you don't want the papers to get soggy.  Put a nice little label on it. I made a purple heart. ;)
I have even added some buttons to add color to it.

And tadda here you have a personalized gift and no amount of money can replace this.

So, next time, if you want to make someone feel special, then try this one out.

So, this is it. I hope we meet soon.
Till then, keep smiling, stay strong and be you.
Krutika   :)
