Saturday 10 May 2014

Make your mother smile

Hey Hey Hey!!

It's Mother's Day and I am super excited. Mother is  God's greatest gift to mankind. No one can take her place, but she can become anyone. And if not for 365 days, but she deserves to be pampered today. And if you are reading this post, than you are searching for some ideas to make her day special and well you have come to the right place.

I have got some wonderful ideas that will put smile on your mother's face.

1. Health insurance
I know that it sounds too much but it will provide life time security to your mom even when you are not there. So, if you are an employed person, than you should definitely consider this.

2. Spa treat
Just for putting up with us, she deserves this. Because trust me, handling kids and a husband is not an easy job.

3. Handmade card
There is a big difference between a card and a handmade card. Anyone can go and buy some card from the  shop but when you make it yourself you are giving your love and time to that person. It adds feelings to a simple piece of paper. Go on make a card and write promises and apologize for all the time you fought and argued with her. There is nothing better then this.

4. Home decor
Every woman loves decorating her house and if you think of a proper gift for her, give her some house decor, she will definitely love it.

5. Sewing kit
If your mother loves sewing than gift her a nice sewing kit or better make it yourself. You won't need much, a box,  glue and some decorations and you are good to go. And if you need any help, than Google is always there for you :P

6. Painting
If you are an artist like me, than you don't need to go searching around for gifts. It's in you. Make a nice painting for your mom, because I did it once and my mom loved it.

7. Bookmark
Bookmarks or rather a personalized handmade bookmarks will make a good gift for all the mothers who like to read.

8. Cook her something
Make something special for her. It doesn't need to be a full course, just a little something like a cake or macaroni, anything that she loves to eat.

This is the "mug cake" I once made for my grandmother :)

9. Compliment
On this mother's day say thanks to your mom and compliment her for her efforts and love and all the great things she does, for the food she cooks. Appreciate her and appreciate her work. She deserves it.

10. Pay a visit
If you don't live with your mom, than on this mother's day try taking out some time and pay her a surprise visit. You will see the happiness in her eyes.

So, go on, don't waste your time, start working on your gift, dedicate this day to her and make her feel special.
Good luck :)