Friday 21 March 2014

Pirate's treasure

Ahoy , mateys!!

I hope you all be doin' fine!! :D

HAAHHAA!! You must be wondering that why the hell this girl is talking like this?? Well its all because of what I am going to show you today. Don't worry, don't worry, we are not going for a treasure hunt or to steal ;) . But today we are going to make our own treasure chest.

This idea came to me when I was thinking about my future. There is so much left to do in my life. I want to travel the whole world, have my very own Volkswagen Beetle and so much more. But all this will need money and the only way to have money is working hard and saving. So today I am going to show you how to make a base for your future plans.

For making this you will need:
  • An empty bottle (preferably glass)
  • Craft paper
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Colors and brushes
  • something to decorate ( I have used keys)
  • and of-course some money :P  
Now lets start

Step 1: As we all know all the bottles come with some labels on them, you can remove most of it through peeling but some part still remains. So to get rid of it completely just put your bottle in water for some time and the glue will come of and you will have a brand new bottle. 

Step 2: Before starting to work on make sure that the bottle is clean and dry. Now first of all measure the bottle or exactly speaking measure the height of the flat surface of the bottle as shown in image. So that you know how big your drawing can be.

Step 3: Now take a plane paper or you can directly work on the craft paper. 
<Tip : I always prefer to draw on rough sheet first so that any errors can be corrected.
But if you are confident enough then you can directly work on the craft paper.>
So, make your favorite pirate picture or you can also print it out. Cut it out and color it.

Now here is an important thing I want to tell you. Whenever you are cutting such drawing you might face the problem of cutting the edges. So look at the image below. I have drawn two arrows. So whenever you have to cut an inside corner go from curve and meet at the corner. This will give you a clean and easy cut.

Step 4: I Wanted to add something extra so I colored my old keys. You can even paint a flag or a pirate cap or a lock. Anything that you fancy.

And now that you have your painting weapons in hands , you can even decorate the bottle a little :D And FYI I have used acrylic colors. Glass colors are also available in the market.

Step 5: Now that all your raw materials are ready , its time to stick them together and we all are masters at it, aren't we!! ;) Because when I was young I used to cut all the cartoons from magazines and stick them in a notebook just for fun. 

And yeah while sticking, you might need to hold the drawing against the bottle for some time because of its curvy glossy surface. If you don't have time just put a rubber band around it. That will also do the work.

And yeah don't forget to fill your bottle with treasure so that it can actually become a treasure chest ;) 

I know this is won't be much but it will be a start and all that starts well , ends well. :)

So go on and start saving today 

See you next time, till then keep smiling and stay happy

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