Saturday 25 January 2014

Tin can earrings


I hope you all enjoyed Uttrayan as much as I did!! And the one thing that changed after the big kite festival is my skin color!  :P

Anyways jokes apart, this time I am going to show you how to reuse the Pepsi cans and make something useful out of it. And I should warn you that this one is a little bit dangerous because of the can, but wear safety gloves or you can just be careful, because, if I did it without hurting myself than you surely can.

So basically I am making earrings out of it and they are obviously of owls!! ( Damn am obsessed with them). You have freedom to choose any shape you like.

To start ,the materials that you will need are as follows:

  •  an empty can
  • pair of scissors (that can cut through the can)
  • marker 
  • earring hooks
  • permanent glue
  • eyes and beak for the owl face ( googly eyes are easily available in any craft shop or you cab go to candle stores at commerce six roads)
  • and lastly some old nail paint or any other permanent paint

step 1 : take your can and wash it properly with water and make sure its dry before working on it.

step 2 : now take your scissor and punch a hole into the can, at place i have shown in picture, with the point of your scissor. I am again saying please be careful or just ask someone's help. Now using that hole as your starting point cut the bottom/top of the can body. Repeat the same procedure on the other side. 

step 3 : at the end of step 2 you will get a hollow cylinder. Now cut through the length of the cylinder and role the sheet inside out or as in opposite direction . If you still don't get it than just look at the picture. We did this so as to get a plain sheet of can just like a paper sheet.

step 4 : now that you have your sheet ready make your design on to it. There are two options here -> either you can make a single sheet earring or a double sheet. I have done double sided so i had to draw the design two times with both sides connecting at some point. In this case they are connected at the ears.

step 5 : now cut out the pattern and you will get something like this.

step 6 : fold it as follows. Just don't break it, because the sheet is very thin.

step 7 : now this is interesting.  Paint the body of the owl face with whatever you have. I have used my old drying nail paint that I no longer can apply on my nails. After the paint has dried stick the eyes and the beak . If your hands are clumsy or too big you can use tweezers. 
       Now here I want to tell you something. It is not a little bit necessary to use the googly eyes. You can use almost any thing like a bead or a button or a gem. Just look what i have used as a beak. That beak is from my hairpin :P You can even use a bindi.
       And the second thing is whenever you want to cute things up a little bit more than use uneven sized eyes like i have done. Different sized eyes look more cute ;)

step 8 : now finally hook them into your earring hooks. Well i don't have to tell you how and if you don't have earring hooks than you can just make them out of wire as i have done. Just a little bit folding and they are done. So voila you have your earrings ready. So go on and flaunt them.

See you next time :)

Sunday 12 January 2014


In life even small small things can give you lots of happiness. I am saying this because when I accidentally found my nani's stash of buttons, i went crazy happy. They are so small round round and so cute. And I don't need to tell you , how much i wanted to make something out of them. And after lots of searching I found this cool thing.

Well you can use buttons in almost everything. They just simply make everything colorful and cute. But let me warn you the buttons I found are not that colorful because basically they were waste. So this post is kind of "best out of waste" thing.

So today I am going to show you how to make a nice tea coaster out of buttons. And trust me its very very easy. And a good use of waste buttons and plus it gives a nice creative touch to your dinning table.

So lets get on with it.
You will need :

  •  buttons (well obviously)  and just make sure they are flat and of same size
  • pair of scissors
  • something to make a circle
  • pen/pencil
  • a permanent glue
  • and finally a base for the coaster, either a plastic piece or thick cloth
step 1: make a round on the base. Okay now for the base part, make sure that it is not too big or the finishing won't be good. Just big enough to hold the outer buttons till their midpoint. 

step 2: now first of all take a newspaper or cloth to put on your floor or table to prevent excess glue from spreading on your work area. It is always a good practice to keep something on your desk to prevent scratches or marks.

step 3: now start sticking the buttons on the base starting from the center. You can choose any pattern you like (triangle, square, anything that your heart desires. but remember to cut the base in that shape).

step 4: and tadda your coaster is ready!! just allow the glue to dry and its ready to use.

As i said earlier that you can use buttons on anything you like. You can make cards. You can make boring frames better by adding colorful buttons on the corners. You can even make bracelets or jewelry with them. Make layer of two buttons and you have got yourself a nice design. Stick it on a tic tac pin or a ring or make an earring out of it. Just use you imagination and you can even take help of Google ;)

Here is my failed attempt at making a bracelet :P since the buttons are not that colorful it doesn't look too good but still wanted to share

So go on and have fun.

Keep smiling always and as i say love yourself :)