Friday 17 June 2011

little lessons of life

Everyday teaches us a new lesson , well ofcourse its totally  upon us whether to learn it or to repeat the same mistake again .

And trust me its really not necessary that they r alwaz the serious one's and i said this bcoz in last few days two most funniest n stupid things happened wid me

firstly  -"Never scream when u see an animal in ur house , it may frighten the animal " . And when i say this , i literally mean it . Bcoz i squealed so loudly on seeing the cat in my room , it made that cat jump and run in whole house :D.
and this one m neva goin to forget- "never keep ur personal diary lying around in ur room". coz if it falls in someone else' hand , u r gone. :P I need not to mention what silly things we write in it and my bro read it all that also in front of my eyes.

And still i loved through this torture .

so keep learning nd ya most imprtantly "luv ur lyf" 

kruti :)

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