Tuesday 21 June 2011

Magic - its everywhere

      MAGIC.....a simple, small and only five letter word is enough for us to take us back in our childhood where we used to hear the magical stories of fairies , price and princess A time when we believed that we get gifts in return of our baby tooth from the lovely "toothfairy" and used to write messages to Santa asking for new toys n beautiful clothes. We really believed in magic . But as time passed , "magic" became just a simple word for us. But still somewhere in some corner of our heart , we alwaz secretly pray for some little magic in life to turn all the bad in life to good . But we never realize that in reality magic is all around us , its just that our grown up eyes are unable to see it.

       Absence of teacher in class when u are really late, a sudden text or call from the person whom u were missing so much, passing marks which we get when there was no ray of hope, finding of little precious things from storeroom which we have been searching for years, an uninvited visit from ur lovely friends when u r sad, a two second look from our crush ...all these things are not luck ...in real this is what we call magic to which we fail to give our attention.

        And thats why its always said that live your life like a little child , it will make ur world a more beautiful place and u neva know when some magic will happen bcoz God works in his own mysterious ways.

        And yeah don't forget - "luv ur lyf"

       take care and keep smiling
       kruti ..:)


Friday 17 June 2011

little lessons of life

Everyday teaches us a new lesson , well ofcourse its totally  upon us whether to learn it or to repeat the same mistake again .

And trust me its really not necessary that they r alwaz the serious one's and i said this bcoz in last few days two most funniest n stupid things happened wid me

firstly  -"Never scream when u see an animal in ur house , it may frighten the animal " . And when i say this , i literally mean it . Bcoz i squealed so loudly on seeing the cat in my room , it made that cat jump and run in whole house :D.
and this one m neva goin to forget- "never keep ur personal diary lying around in ur room". coz if it falls in someone else' hand , u r gone. :P I need not to mention what silly things we write in it and my bro read it all that also in front of my eyes.

And still i loved through this torture .

so keep learning nd ya most imprtantly "luv ur lyf" 

kruti :)

Monday 13 June 2011

just the beginning

"Life never turns out the way we plan " - a famous line from one of my fav film 'while you were sleeping'
and i do believe in this after 5 years of experience of living away from parents .
and u never know what's gonna happen the next moment ...so i alwayz say to myself that - "life is precious n so enjoy every little bit of it and most importantly love your life " 

kruti :)